Dorinta oricarei femei este sa aiba un par lung , bogat, cu volum, mereu vospit si lucios si care sa stea perfect aranjat chiar si dimineata 🙂
Bineinteles ca nu se poate acest lucru… doar daca putem sa ne dam parul jos seara si sa il punem dimineata.
Si cine a spus ca nu se poate face asta?
Putin make up si o peruca ne vor face ziua mai buna.
Ar trebui sa uitam de vechile conceptii despre peruci. In 2014 industria perucilor este atat de avansata incat acestea nici macar nu se mai numesc peruci ci COAFURI.
Good Hair Day,
The dream of any woman is to have a long, thick, always shiny hair, which will look perfect also in the morning 🙂
Of course that can’t be possible…only if we were able to take of our hair at night and put it back in the morning.
Who says that’s not possible?
A little make up and a wig will make our day!
We should forget about the misconceptions about wigs. In the year 2014 the wig industry is so advanced that you should no longer call them wigs but HAIRSTYLES
Good Hair Day